
Showing posts tagged with water. The Power of Purified Water: Why It Matters for Your Health and Lifestyle 02.17.25

Water is the essence of life, fueling our bodies, minds, and daily routines. Yet, not all water is created equal. Purified water, in particular, has garnered significant attention for its remarkable benefits, making it a cornerstone of healthy living. But what exactly is purified water, and why should it be your go-to choice? Let’s dive in.

What is Purified Water?


Purified water refers to water that has undergone rigorous filtration processes to remove impurities such as chemicals, bacteria, and toxins. Unlike tap water, which may contain contaminants like chlorine, lead, and pesticides, purified water is free from harmful substances that can pose risks to your health. Common purification methods include reverse osmosis, distillation, and carbon filtration, each designed to ensure the water you consume is clean, safe, and refreshing.

The Benefits of Purified Water


  1. Improved Health Drinking purified water eliminates exposure to harmful contaminants that can cause health issues. By removing bacteria, heavy metals, and other toxins, it supports better hydration and overall well-being. Purified water is particularly beneficial for individuals with weakened immune systems or allergies.

  2. Enhanced Taste Purified water often tastes better than regular tap water. The removal of chlorine, sediment, and metallic tastes makes it more appealing and encourages increased water consumption, which is vital for staying hydrated.

  3. Supports Detoxification Clean water is essential for flushing out toxins from your body. Purified water aids in digestion, enhances kidney function, and promotes clearer skin by helping your body rid itself of impurities.

  4. Protects Against Waterborne Diseases Purified water drastically reduces the risk of contracting illnesses caused by bacteria or viruses commonly found in untreated or poorly treated water sources.

  5. Environmentally Friendly By investing in a home purification system or reusable filtered bottles, you reduce the need for single-use plastic bottles, minimizing your environmental footprint. This shift supports sustainable practices and helps combat the global plastic waste crisis.

  6. Better Cooking and Food Preparation Cooking with purified water improves the taste and quality of food. Whether it’s boiling pasta, making coffee, or washing fruits and vegetables, purified water ensures that no harmful chemicals or residues compromise the integrity of your meals.


Making the switch to purified water is a simple yet transformative step toward a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. With its myriad benefits—from improved health to environmental conservation—purified water stands out as a crucial element of modern living. So, raise your glass of purified water and toast to a cleaner, healthier future!

7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Water 06.24.20

Our bodies are around 60% water, give or take.

It is commonly recommended to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day (the 8x8 rule).

Although there is little science behind this specific rule, staying hydrated is important.

Here are 7 evidence-based health benefits of drinking plenty of water.

1. Water Helps to Maximize Physical Performance

If we do not stay hydrated, physical performance can suffer.

This is particularly important during intense exercise or high heat.

Dehydration can have a noticeable effect if you lose as little as 2% of your body's water content. However, it is not uncommon for athletes to lose up to 6-10% of their water weight via sweat.

This can lead to altered body temperature control, reduced motivation, increased fatigue and make exercise feel much more difficult, both physically and mentally.

Optimal hydration has been shown to prevent this from happening, and may even reduce the oxidative stress that occurs during high intensity exercise. This is not surprising when you consider that muscle is about 80% water.

So, if you exercise intensely and tend to sweat, then staying hydrated can help you perform at your absolute best.


Losing as little as 2% of your body's water content can significantly impair physical performance.

2. Hydration Has a Major Effect on Energy Levels and Brain Function

Your brain is strongly influenced by hydration status.

Studies show that even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can impair many aspects of brain function.

In a study of young women, fluid loss of 1.36% after exercise impaired both mood and concentration, and increased the frequency of headaches.

Another similar study, this time in young men, showed that fluid loss of 1.59% was detrimental to working memory and increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue.

A 1-3% fluid loss equals about 1.5-4.5 lbs. (0.5-2 kg) of body weight loss for a 150 lbs. (68 kg) person. This can easily occur through normal daily activities, let alone during exercise or high heat.

Many other studies, ranging from children to the elderly, have shown that mild dehydration can impair mood, memory and brain performance.


Mild dehydration (fluid loss of 1-3%) can impair energy levels and mood, and lead to major reductions in memory and brain performance.

3. Drinking Water May Help to Prevent and Treat Headaches

Dehydration can trigger headaches and migraines in some individuals.

Several studies have shown that water can relieve headaches in those who are dehydrated.

However, this appears to depend on the type of headache.

One study of 18 people found that water had no effect on the frequency of headaches, but did reduce the intensity and duration somewhat.


Drinking water can sometimes help relieve headache symptoms, especially in people who are dehydrated.

4. Drinking More Water May Help Relieve Constipation

Constipation is a common problem, characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool.

Increasing fluid intake is often recommended as a part of the treatment protocol, and there is some evidence to back this up.

Low water consumption appears to be a risk factor for constipation in both young and elderly individuals.

Carbonated water shows particularly promising results for constipation relief, although the reason is not entirely understood.


Drinking plenty of water can help prevent and relieve constipation, especially in people who generally do not drink enough water.

5. Drinking Water May Help Treat Kidney Stones

Urinary stones are painful clumps of mineral crystal that form in the urinary system.

The most common form is kidney stones, which form in the kidneys. There is limited evidence that water intake can help prevent recurrence in people who have previously gotten kidney stones.

Higher fluid intake increases the volume of urine passing through the kidneys, which dilutes the concentration of minerals, so they are less likely to crystallize and form clumps.

Water may also help prevent the initial formation of stones, but studies are required to confirm this.


Increased water intake appears to decrease the risk of kidney stone formation. More research is needed in this area.

6. Water Helps Prevent Hangovers

A hangover refers to the unpleasant symptoms experienced after drinking alcohol.

Alcohol is a diuretic, so it makes you lose more water than you take in. This can lead to dehydration.

Although dehydration is not the main cause of hangovers, it can cause symptoms like thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.

A good way to reduce hangovers is to drink a glass of water between drinks, and to have at least one big glass of water before going to bed.


Hangovers are partly caused by dehydration, and drinking water can help reduce some of the main symptoms of hangovers.

7. Drinking More Water Can Help With Weight Loss

Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight.

This is due to the fact that water can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate.

In two studies, drinking half a liter (17 ounces) of water was shown to increase metabolism by 24-30% for up to 1.5 hours.

This means that drinking 2 liters of water every day can increase your total energy expenditure by up to 96 calories per day.

The timing is important too, and drinking water half an hour before meals is the most effective. It can make you feel fuller, so that you eat fewer calories.

In one study, dieters who drank half a liter of water before meals lost 44% more weight, over a period of 12 weeks.

It is actually best to drink water cold, because then the body will use additional energy (calories) to heat the water to body temperature.



Stay hydrated in the winter months 10.10.19

Home / Physical Fitness / Environmental Extremes / Stay hydrated in the winter months

Stay hydrated in the winter months

Most people associate dehydration with hot weather, but you can get dehydrated in cold weather too. It isn’t always easy to get the fluids you need, especially when you’re on a mission. If you’re active outside for less than 2 hours, your risk for getting dehydrated is probably pretty low. But if you’re out in the cold for hours or even days, the combination of heavy clothing and high-intensity activity that makes you sweat could lead to dehydration.

Dehydration happens in cold weather for a number of reasons. Cold weather tends to move blood and other body fluids from your arms and legs to your core, increasing your urine output. Cold weather also decreases your body’s thirst sensation, which is normally an early sign of mild dehydration. Other signs of dehydration include headache, dry mouth, fatigue, muscle cramps, constipation, dry skin, and feeling dizzy or light-headed.

One way to see how hydrated you are is to check the color and amount of your urine. (Snow makes a good test spot.) Dark urine in smaller amounts than usual indicates dehydration. Ideally, your urine should be light yellow.

Are you hydrated? Take the urine color test: Hydrated shows color from Optimal as very pale yellow to Well Hydrated as medium yellow. Dehydrated shows dark yellow colors. You need to drink more water. Brown color: Seek medical aid. May indicate blood in urine or kidney disease. Some vitamins and supplements might cause a darkening of the urine unrelated to dehydration. Adapted from USAPHC by the Human Performance Research Center.

Water and sports drinks are the best fluids to help you stay hydrated, even in cold weather. Energy drinks can have diuretic effects, dehydrating your body, so avoid using them as a substitute for water or sports drinks. Also avoid drinking alcohol in cold weather. It might make you feel warm initially, but it can reduce your body’s ability to retain heat.

When you exercise in the cold, don’t rely on thirst to tell you when you need to drink. Drink often and before you’re thirsty. You should take in 3–6 quarts of fluid per day (including what’s in your food) during cold-weather training and operations. Make sure to take in enough electrolytes (minerals in your blood such as sodium and potassium) if you’ll be out for more than 2 hours. Drinking too much plain water can cause hyponatremia (low sodium levels in your blood), which can result in severe brain damage or death.



Hawkins, M. N., Raven, P. B., Snell, P. G., Stray-Gundersen, J., & Levine, B. D. (2007). Maximal oxygen uptake as a parametric measure of cardiorespiratory capacity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39(1), 103–107. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000241641.75101.64

Higgins, J. P., Tuttle, T. D., & Higgins, C. L. (2010). Energy beverages: Content and safety. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 85(11), 1033–1041. doi:10.4065/mcp.2010.0381

Kavouras, S. A. (2002). Assessing hydration status. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 5(5), 519–524. doi:10.1097/00075197-200209000-00010

Kenefick, R. W., Hazzard, M. P., Mahood, N. V., & Castellani, J. W. (2004). Thirst sensations and AVP responses at rest and during exercise-cold exposure. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(9), 1528–1534. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000139901.63911.75

Riesenhuber, A., Boehm, M., Posch, M., & Aufricht, C. (2006). Diuretic potential of energy drinks. Amino Acids, 31(1), 81–83. doi:10.1007/s00726-006-0363-5

Stay Hydrated During Hot Months 02.15.19

Dehydration and hot weather

The human body contains a high proportion of water, so when the temperature rises and the body tries to cool itself by sweating, dehydration can occur, particularly in children.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is the loss of water and salts from the body. We need water to maintain our blood volume and blood pressure and to ensure our body functions properly. Along with water, the body also needs electrolytes, which are salts normally found in blood, other fluids, and cells.

Why do we need water?

The human body consists of nearly 60 per cent water; brain tissue is said to consist of about 85 per cent water. 

Although fluid loss occurs during hard physical work, even simple tasks like gardening, walking or riding a bike can result in a significant loss of fluid within a very short period. We can also lose a lot of fluid in hot or humid conditions.

Babies and small children feel the effects of heat sooner and more seriously than adults. Children in cars need special protection from heat as cars can heat up very quickly. A parked, locked car can reach dangerously high temperatures very quickly, even if the windows are open slightly. You should never leave a child in a parked car — your child can quickly become overheated and dehydrated, with potentially fatal consequences.

Stages of dehydration

The early stages of dehydration usually have no signs or symptoms, but can include dryness of the mouth and thirst. Other symptoms of early or mild dehydration may include:

  • headache;
  • dry skin;
  • passing less urine than normal;
  • tiredness;
  • dizziness; and
  • cramping in the arms and legs

As dehydration increases, signs may include:

  • extreme thirst and parched mouth and tongue;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dark, yellow urine;
  • little or no urination;
  • sunken eyes;
  • in infants, a sunken fontanelle (the soft spot on the top of the head);
  • skin that has lost its elasticity and doesn’t quickly return to its normal position after being pinched;
  • absence of tears when crying;
  • irritability or drowsiness; and
  • irrational behavior

If you are with someone, particularly a child or young person, who suddenly becomes dizzy, nauseated or weak during hot weather, get them indoors or in the shade. Replace lost fluids with water or an electrolyte solution and cool the person down with a tepid shower or sponge bath and by fanning air over their moist skin. Seek medical attention if the symptoms get worse or last for more than an hour.

If someone has dry, red skin, a fast pulse, looks confused or delirious, or feels very hot, that person is in extreme danger and you should seek medical attention immediately, as well as taking the steps outlined above.

During hot and humid weather, you are at higher risk of dehydration and heat-related illnesses, including cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. In severe cases, dehydration and heat stroke can result in shock and even death.

How do I combat dehydration during hot weather?

Water should be given to counteract dehydration in hot or humid weather, regardless of your activity level. Drinking water helps lower your body temperature and replace the fluid you lose through sweating. It should be drunk before you get to the stage of feeling thirsty.

It’s best to remember that other drinks, such as soft drinks, coffee, or alcohol-containing beverages, are no substitute for water. Although they contain water, they also contain ingredients which are dehydrating.

Sports drinks contain carbohydrates and electrolytes and are useful if exercising in hot weather. Oral rehydration solutions such as Gastrolyte and Hydralyte are also suitable. They should be made up and given according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Children should be encouraged to drink water before, during and after exercising, especially if the weather is hot.

So-called ‘energy drinks’ contain caffeine or other stimulants, and are not an appropriate rehydration fluid. If in doubt, water is the preferred option in most cases.

Preventing dehydration during hot weather

It is recommended that during hot weather we should be drinking water even when not thirsty. You can tell if you are well hydrated if you do not feel thirsty and your urine is a dilute (clear) color.

Other things you can do to avoid dehydration during hot weather include:

  • avoiding the sun in the middle of the day — exercise or do outdoor activities early in the morning or evening instead;
  • wearing sunscreen and a hat that shades your head, neck, ears and face — sunburn stops your body from cooling itself down properly;
  • wearing thin, loose clothing — this allows good airflow, which helps sweat evaporate; and
  • avoiding dark clothing, as this absorbs more heat than light clothing

Last Reviewed: 5 September 2018 


Threshold for harmful chemicals in drinking water lower than thought: Study


A government study found that chemicals found in drinking water around the country could pose risks to human health at lower levels than the government currently recognizes, potentially opening the door for more states to begin cleaning up or regulating the chemical.

The report released Wednesday by a branch of the Office of Health and Human Services examined a category of chemicals commonly called PFAS that have been used to make non-stick products, firefighting foam and water-repellant coatings.

They've been found in water systems and soil around the country. The most researched types of these chemicals are referred to as PFOA and PFOS, both of which remain in the environment for a long time after they're introduced, raising concerns about the health effects to people living near areas contaminated by the chemicals.

The report found that PFOA and PFOS caused negative health effects in rodents at a lower equivalent level in humans than previously recognized by the EPA. The finding could cause a ripple effect, possibly requiring new rules or laws as states work on cleaning up areas with high levels of the chemicals.

The study reported that the EPA's advisory level of 70 parts per trillion is seven to 10 times higher than when HHS first said it noticed health effects in animals.

The agency that evaluates potentially toxic chemicals also said that drinking fluids or eating food contaminated with the chemicals could potentially increase the risk of cancer, interfere with hormones and the immune system, and affect growth and development of children and infants. But, overall, more research is needed to understand the impacts of all type of chemicals in the PFAS category on human health.

The study did not specifically recommend a new level that is safe for humans but advocacy groups working on this issue said the new data show states and the federal government should act to clean up the chemicals.

"This study confirms that the EPA’s guidelines for PFAS levels in drinking water woefully underestimate risks to human health," Olga Naidenko, senior science advisor at the Environmental Working Group, said in a statement. "We urge EPA to collect and publish all water results showing PFAS contamination at any level, so Americans across the country can take immediate steps to protect themselves and their families."

The Environmental Working Group has estimated that drinking water for 16 million Americans has levels of the chemicals higher than the EPA's recommended limit and that some amount of it has been found in more than 1,500 water systems serving more than 110 million people.

The study was the center of a controversy earlier this year after Politico reported that officials from the Environmental Protection Agency, Pentagon and White House talked about delaying the public release of the report, writing in an email that it would be a "public relations nightmare." Those emails were obtained by the Union of Concerned Scientists through a public records request.

 EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced in May that the EPA will move to label PFAS chemicals "hazardous" and will look into a maximum level at which the chemicals are safe and provide recommendations to states looking to clean up contaminated sites. The agency held a summit with state officials that generated further controversy after reporters and a member of Congress reported they weren't allowed to attend some of the sessions.


 Dealing with PFAS "is one of EPA's top priorities and the agency is committed to continuing to participate in and contribute to a coordinated approach across the federal government," the director of the agency's water office, Peter Grevatt, said in a statement. "Federal agencies are developing a variety of tools, including toxicity values, analytical methods, and treatment options, that can work together to provide states, tribes, local governments, health professionals, and communities with information and solutions to address these chemicals."


Michigan is one state that has been testing for PFAS substances in water systems. The director of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality said at the EPA summit that the only reason her state has found so much PFAS contamination is that the state is "actively and aggressively looking," according to

An official with Michigan's environmental agency said the state is pleased the report was released and wants EPA to work with state and local governments to set standards for PFAS.

PHOTO: Rum Creek, a Rogue River tributary, flows through the former Wolverine World Wide tannery property in Rockford, Mich., Aug. 14, 2017.Neil Blake/The Grand Rapids Press/AP

Rum Creek, a Rogue River tributary, flows through the former Wolverine World Wide tannery property in Rockford, Mich., Aug. 14, 2017.more +

In one site near the airport in Grand Rapids, officials have identified levels of PFAS chemicals in wells between 54 and 461 parts per trillion. The state has also been working with the EPA to test a site of a former tannery where very high levels of PFOS were found in the groundwater.

Democratic Rep. Dan Kildee represents Flint, Michigan, and called for the federal government to release the CDC study earlier and take more action to limit exposure to the chemicals.

"This federal study is deeply concerning because it demonstrates that PFAS chemicals are more dangerous to human health than the EPA has previously acknowledged. The Trump Administration must address PFAS contamination with more urgency. We must ensure that families and veterans exposed to these dangerous chemicals receive the health care and clean-up resources they need," Kildee said in a statement.

What is America's Favorite Drink? 02.21.18

Who says Americans aren’t healthy?  According to Beverage Digest, which tracks the U.S. beverage industry, America’s favorite drink is now…WATER.  That’s the first time in almost 30 years that water has beat soda.

The average American now drinks 58 gallons of water a year.  That averages out to just over 20 ounces a day.  Soda is second most popular.  We drink an average of 44 gallons of soda a year, or about 15-and-a-half ounces a day.

That’s a huge flip from 1998.  In 1998, soda drinking peaked at an average of 54 gallons a year and water was at 42 gallons.

What’s the big change? We’re drinking more bottled water now…about 21 gallons per person, per year.  So the major soda companies are probably fine with water surpassing soda since Coke owns Dasani and Pepsi owns Aquafina.

The average American drinks 23 gallons of coffee a year, or about eight ounces a day and 20.2 gallons of milk a year, or about seven ounces a day.

You can view the article right here!

Non-toxic Home Cleaning 04.14.17

Spring is in the air! As the weather starts to get warmer, many people take advantage of this time of year to catch up on spring cleaning! There are hundreds of different cleaning solutions to choose from but the costs associated with these chemicals can be high! To cut down these costs, you could try making an inexpensive, easy-to-use, and natural alternative which can safely be used in place of commercial household products. Here are a few homemade substitutions that you can easily make using your purified Springs Mountain Water combined with common household products.

Note: These formulas and substitutions are offered to help minimize the use of toxic substances in your home, and reduce the environmental harm caused by the manufacture, use, and disposal of toxics. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed to be 100% safe and effective. Before applying any cleaning formulations, test in small hidden areas if possible. Always use caution with any new product in your home.

All-Purpose Cleaner:

·      ½ cup vinegar

·      ¼ cup baking soda

·      ½ gallon Springs Mountain Water

Combine the vinegar, baking soda, and water. Mix together well. Can be used in a spray bottle or by pouring a small amount on a towel. Use for removal of water deposit stains on shower stall panels, bathroom chrome fixtures, windows, bathroom mirrors, etc.

Bathroom Mold Removal:

Mix one part hydrogen peroxide (3%) with two parts Springs Mountain Water in a spray bottle and spray on areas with mold. Wait at least one hour before rinsing or using shower.

Oven Cleaner:

·       ¾ cup baking soda

·       ¼ cup salt

·       ¼ cup  Springs Mountain Water

Moisten oven surfaces with sponge and water. Combine the baking soda, salt, and Springs Mountain Water to form a thick paste. Spread paste throughout oven interior (avoid bare metals and any openings). Let sit overnight. Remove with spatula and wipe clean. For tough spots, rub gently with fine steel wool.


These formulas and more can be found with the original article here

Loving Local Business 11.23.16

The benefits to shopping in small businesses are endless.  What a great feeling to know that you support your local economy during the holiday season! Springs Mountain Water takes pride in being a local water delivery provider. We’re grateful when customers choose local businesses.

“In choosing where to shop, many people look first at prices, then location and then the name of the store, with little thought given to the importance of supporting small, local businesses. Small local businesses provide advantages to the surrounding community that large big box retailers cannot offer. Understanding those advantages can encourage customers to support their local merchants.


Shopping at small, local businesses can have a significant impact on the local economy. Businesses pay sales tax to the city and county where the business is located. When patrons make the choice to leave the area to do their shopping, they are supporting areas outside of their own. Large businesses also pay sales taxes to the local government.


The money paid to local governments by small, local businesses is used for many things, including the financing of roads, public schools, sidewalks and parks. In addition, those tax dollars help to fund additional public service workers such as police officers and firefighters. Many cities subsidize youth sports leagues that are sponsored by the parks department. The money used to fund such activities comes from taxes, which are paid in part by small local businesses as sales tax revenue.

Time Frame

Each year, cities calculate the amount of sales tax revenue that they anticipate receiving from their local businesses. That revenue estimate is used to forecast the following year's budget needs and the budget gets decided. If the revenue does not match the estimate, the city goes over budget, which can cause financial issues. Local businesses that are able to maintain positive growth through sales tax revenue each year help meet the city's financial needs. In addition, the city is able to project the following year's probable revenue figures based on the local business' revenue the previous year.


Small local businesses provide job opportunities for local residents. This can be in the way of part-time help, or full-time management. Local jobs keep the residents in town during their shift, so the advantages extrapolate outward as the employee spends money at the local restaurant during meal breaks, gasses up at the local station to get to work and stops at the local grocery store on the way home at night. The advantage of a small local business employing local residents creates a domino effect that helps the community as a whole. In addition, small local businesses typically provide better customer service than their large, corporate counterparts. The small business owner often lives in the community, worships, plays sports and socializes with community members, and cares about the individuals who patronize his business. Because of his personal involvement with the community, he will strive to provide the best service possible to customers.


Aside from providing local job opportunities, small, local businesses support the area through their everyday needs. Small businesses open accounts at local banks, hire local CPAs and attorneys and when they need supplies they can step down the street to get them quickly. Running a small local business provides automatic advantages in the daily operations.”

Original Article:






US bottled water sales reach record high in 2015 07.21.16

US bottled water sales reach record high in 2015, with growth expected to continue: Mintel

By Rachel Arthur, 24-Feb-2016

Sales of bottled water in the US increased 6.4% to reach more than $15bn in 2015, according to research from Mintel. And as consumers continue to look for alternatives to soft drinks, sales are expected to keep growing rapidly.


Safe Drinking Water? 02.15.16

Many people have heard about the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. When issues like this arise, people become more aware of what they're putting in their bodies. Recently, traces of widely used and potentially harmful chemicals have shown up in three drinking water systems in Colorado, prompting officials to shut down three wells and start looking for the source. Compound materials once used in cookware coatings, firefighting foam, and other materials were detected in utilities serving about 69,000 people in the city of Fountain and the surrounding areas of Security-Widefield. While state officials say no health problems have been linked to the compounds, it is still quite concerning for the residents of these areas. 

At Springs Mountain Water, we realize that clean drinking water is important to one’s health and well-being. We take pride in providing our customers with quality purified drinking water. To sign up for water delivery, simply click on the “Get Water Now” button on our website. In the meantime, our pricing information can be found under the “Services” tab.

Thank you for your interest in Springs Mountain Water and we look forward to hearing from you! 


You can read the original story here!

Hydrate or Hangover? 11.02.15

The International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) reminds consumers that maintaining proper hydration throughout the winter months is just as important as during warmer weather, and this holiday season people can help highway  safety and reduce ‘morning after’ effects by turning to water – including bottled water –  in place of alcoholic drinks at parties and functions.

“Staying properly hydrated throughout the winter is something people often forget as the temperature drops,” says Chris Hogan, IBWA vice president of communications. “Bottled water is an ideal beverage choice during and after the holiday season, when the winter air is dryer and people don’t notice their own moisture loss as much as in the summer months.”

“The National Highway Safety Transportation Administration reports that one-third of all highway deaths in the United States are still the result of drinking and driving. That’s a problem that only becomes more acute during the holidays.  So, instead of alcoholic drinks, opt for reliable and refreshing bottled water and get where you’re going safely,” says Hogan.

Bottled water provides the perfect beverage choice for those who wish to avoid or moderate calories, caffeine, sugar, artificial colors or flavors, alcohol and other ingredients. Whether as a replacement for high-calorie beverages, or as an alternative to alcoholic drinks, for guests and designated drivers, bottled water offers consumers a refreshing, healthy, hydrating, and convenient beverage that provides consistent safety, quality and good taste.

“In addition to helping you stay properly hydrated in the winter, water also plays a critical role in making smart choices during holiday festivities,” says Hogan.

“And with the variety of types available – from spring and purified to mineral to sparking bottled water – consumers have many choices to suit their specific needs and occasions.  So, choose bottled water and stay hydrated, stay healthy, and stay safe.” 

Original story:

Water Quality Standards 10.12.15

The quality of water is very important to Springs Mountain Water. Here is an interesting article about water quality for your viewing pleasure.

Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological characteristics of water.

It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need or purpose.

It is most frequently used by reference to a set of standards against which compliance can be assessed. The most common standards used to assess water quality relate to health of ecosystems, safety of human contact and drinking water.

Standards In the setting of standards, agencies make political and technical/scientific decisions about how the water will be used.

In the case of natural water bodies, they also make some reasonable estimate of pristine conditions. Different uses raise different concerns and therefore different standards are considered. Natural water bodies will vary in response to environmental conditions. Environmental scientists work to understand how these systems function, which in turn helps to identify the sources and fates of contaminants. Environmental lawyers and policymakers work to define legislation with the intention that water is maintained at an appropriate quality for its identified use. 

The vast majority of surface water on the planet is neither potable nor toxic. This remains true when seawater in the oceans (which is too salty to drink) is not counted. Another general perception of water quality is that of a simple property that tells whether water is polluted or not. In fact, water quality is a complex subject, in part because water is a complex medium intrinsically tied to the ecology of the Earth. Industrial and commercial activities (e.g. manufacturing, mining, construction, transport) are a major cause of water pollution as are runoff from agricultural areas, urban runoff and discharge of treated and untreated sewage.


Dodging Dehydration 06.26.15

Summertime is here and many people are heading towards the mountains for a weekend of hiking, camping, and other exciting outdoor activities. One of the most important things to remember when enjoying fun in the sun is to STAY HYDRATED! The higher altitude of Colorado Springs makes it especially easy to become dehydrated. Here are some statistics from that show how serious dehydration can be in high altitude:


- Humidity is lower in high altitudes and sweat evaporates quickly. Because of this, you may not realize how much water you are losing through exertion.


- The lower oxygen levels make you breathe in and out faster and more deeply, so that you lose more water through respiration.


-According to the Wilderness Medical Society, you lose water through respiration at high altitude twice as quickly as you do at sea level.


- High altitude can also make you need to urinate more often and can blunt your thirst response, putting you at even greater risk of dehydration.


As you can see, staying hydrated is IMPORTANT! So prevent dehydration and fill up a few water bottles with some ice cold, delicious, Springs Mountain Water before you go outside next time! 


Read the full article here:



Spring is in the Air! 04.27.15

The weather is starting to warm up in the Pikes Peak region and that’s a perfect reason to “get your drink on!”  Of course the best way to quench your thirst is with an ice cold glass of Springs Mountain Water, but do you know what it takes to get that water into your home? Check out this neat video posted by Fox 21 News showing where the Colorado Springs Utilities water comes from and exactly how much work goes into it.  Once the water arrives at our plant the filtration process which creates our purified water is implemented.  Below, you can see the process.

  • Colorado Springs City Tap Water
  • Charcoal Filter
  • Scale Inhibitor Injection
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • UV Exposure
  • Filter to 0.5 microns
  • Overflow Filtering
  • Ozone Exposure
  • 2nd UV Exposure
  • Bottle Cleanse and Sanitation
  • Bottle Rinse
  • Bottle Fill and Cap  

If you would like to see a diagram of this process, head on over to our website!







Water vs Coke 12.12.14

We all know water is important, but do we know exactly HOW important? Check out this interesting comparison between water and Coke!


  • 75% of Americans are CHRONICALLY dehydrated
  • MILD dehydration can slow one’s metabolism as much as 30%
  • One glass of water has been proven to shut down midnight hunger pains
  • The #1 trigger of daytime fatigue is lack of water
  • Studies show that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain
  • 37% of Americans have a thirst mechanism so weak, that it is often mistaken for hunger
  • A 2% drop in body water can cause trouble with basic math, fuzzy short-term memory, and difficulty focusing on a computer screen or printed text
  • 5 glasses of water a day can decrease the risk of:
    • Colon cancer by 45%
    • Breast cancer by 79%
    • Bladder cancer by 50%


  • There are many states where the Highway Patrol carries Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after an accident
  • A T-bone steak will dissolve in 2 days inside a bowl of Coke
  • You can use Coke to clean a toilet bowl. The citric acid removes stains from vitreous china.
  • Coke can also remove rust spots on chrome car bumpers
  • Coke has been used to clean corrosion on battery terminals
  • You can loosen a rusted bolt  by applying Coke to it for several minutes
  • Coke helps remove grease stains on clothes


  • The active ingredient in Coke (phosphoric acid) will dissolve a nail in about 4 days
  • Phosphoric acid is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis
  • Trucks must use Hazardous Material place cards in order to transport Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) because of the highly corrosive materials
  • For the past 20 years Coke distributors have been using Coke to clean their truck engines
  • Animal shelters use Coke to clean the calcium deposits off water pans

Now the question is; would you like a glass of Springs Mountain Water or a Coke?



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